Living a happy, healthy lifestyle can be easier than you think.
In fact don't over think it too much because that's what stops us in our tracks.
If your currently living a less healthier lifestyle then you would like, thinking about all the things you need to do by social media influence then you wont even start because its too big a job to change everything at once.
Take a deep breath and know that you are further along than most because your thinking about how to change and how you can turn your life around.
One of the biggest things to consider, is your why! Why do you want a healthy life?
Is it because you want to be around longer for your children?
Do you want to be able to accomplish a fitness goal?
Do you want to ease pain and lift anxiety and depression?
Do you fee sluggish and lack energy?
Is your skin dry, oily, spotty?
There are lots of reasons for you wanting to start, but you need to find what it is for you. When you know your WHY, you will be able to think about your HOW.
A simple morning routine and consistency will active your desire to achieve it. Focus on your WHY and it will all fall into place.
What is a simple morning routine?
Get up earlier than you normally would. This gives you time to get ahead of the day. Take some nice long deep breaths and move your body. This could be a workout, a walk, yoga or even just walking into the back garden and getting fresh air.
Drink a glass or warm water to activate the body and replenish the water that's be lost through sweat, breathing and having a wee.
Plan your day, know what your going to eat and drink through the day. Think of eating the rainbow trying to get in as many colors as you can.
Lastly, think about what your grateful for in this moment. Activating this thought process, allows you be open for seeing the small things that make us happy and begin our day with a positive mindset.
Don't over complicate things, keep things simple through the day being conscious of what you doing, thinking and acting.
Being consistent with these actions will help start you off to a happy and healthy lifestyle.