Consistency is the key to success.
If you are able to stay consistent within your practice then the mind will start to shift and will improve.
Our minds are one of the hardest things to change when are so used to focusing on the things we don't want or the negative aspects of situations.
We are never too old to start retraining our brains to think positively and changing the way we process the information received.
There is no magic pill that will just change your thoughts, its with daily effort that you can start to make the changes needed.
Small steps each day towards the goal of having a more positive outlook on life, appreciating what you already have and looking for the good in the present moment will help you ground yourself through the day to stay on track.
There are many ways that you can start with some amazing books available to read, podcasts, music, meditating, journalling and getting out in nature. Doing any of these in small stages can help build the foundations to your new mindset.
"Where focus goes, energy flows" A fantastic quote by Tony Robbins. This is so true and i'm sure you can think of a time where you were worried about something and it built and built inside of you, making you nervous, anxiousness and negative.
Can you think of a time this happened when you were happy and focusing on the positive outcome?
We have to work daily on making our minds, strong, resilient, understanding, loving and happy with exactly where we are right in this moment to be able to move forward and work towards goals and being happy in our life.
You will struggle to achieve a goal with a negative mindset because you will always be thinking of all the things that can go wrong and then will persuade yourself to give up before you've even started.
Take a moment to think about how your thought process currently works and see how your normal thought process would begin and sometimes escalate. Now see if you can think of the same thought and only look for the good things in the situation. Look for what makes you smile, look for the beauty in it. Try this in all scenarios and see how quickly your mindset can shift, keeping you calm and content even in some tricky situations.
Every day you have the choice to work on your health and wellness which will determine the life you have ahead of you.