Sometimes it can take until your 40 years old to find something that your passionate about.
I've always known that I've had a love for Jiu-Jitsu and i tried my first class back in 2008 with the traditional Japenesse Jiu-Jitsu.
Fast forward 15 years later, my 3 children all now teenagers and i want to go back to training as a 40 year mum.
I asked my twin girls to give it a try on an open day and we haven't looked back. We train 3 to 4 times a week most evenings and a Saturday morning.
So not only have i been able to fully immerse myself into something i really enjoy, I'm able to support and train with my girls.
For the past 3 years since loosing a lot of my weight that i had always grown up with, i loved doing most sports and would always be trying new things, the gym, crossfit, assault courses, walking, running, swimming and so many more but when i contacted the coach i used to train with and he invited me to train again i couldn't wait.
Each class involves a warm up, stretches, technical learning and then sparing at the end. All cardio and weight resistant as there aren't many people my size to roll with.
You can turn up to class after having a terrible day, feeling really sluggish and sometimes awful but after an hour n half of laughing, learning and engaging you come away feeling so good. Sometimes a little battered and bruised but you've always learnt something new.
There is no bad session, you are always humbled by not really knowing much of what your doing, and you easily forget what you've just learnt in class when you need to use it when rolling, but the more you practice and try the better you get.
You cant get better if you don't stay consistent and keep trying. Its all about trying and turning up as much as you can.
This isn't just about training for something, this is about find out out what your passion is and trying new things.
If you don't keep trying different things, how will you know what you do and don't enjoy?
This can be with your diet, your job, your children, loved ones and so much more.
If you put the effort in to understanding and staying consistent with making changes to get better a little bit every time then you will see results.
When you find something you love to do, then do more of it. The more it makes you smile, the more infectious you are to other people and the happier it will make you feel.